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Christ’s Body on Earth

Christ’s Body on Earth

Christ's Body on EarthKen LiuOn Christmas Day, we celebrate the glorious miracle of the Incarnation – the Lord of the universe who deigned to be born in the body of a baby boy, to be "tabernacled" with us. The Creator of all things who became a part of the created....

The Strength of Weak Ties

The Strength of Weak Ties

Anton SorkinHaving come to the end of my first semester at the helm of Law Student Ministries and after extensive time on the road visiting campuses in California, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Florida, I’ve come to realize a profound challenge rooted in the...

Multiple Choice Quiz: God is Most Like…

Multiple Choice Quiz: God is Most Like…

Guest Author - Lynn Buzzard God is most like:A. A PolicemanB. A JudgeC. A LegislatorD. None of the above  I can’t do that. My heart will not let me utterly destroy them. Because I am God and not man. Hosea 11:8-9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some...

Why Retreat?

Why Retreat?

Brent AmatoChristian Legal Society, as part of its ministry to lawyers and law students, provides not only its annual national conference, but also regional retreats. In the coming months, these are scheduled as follows: Midwest Regional Retreat, Lake Geneva,...

Time Poverty: A Real Burden

Time Poverty: A Real Burden

Ken LiuMotivational speakers are fond of saying we all have the same 24 hours in a day, so "I don't have time" is not a good excuse. Sure, that’s a great inspirational message for those who have the luxury of time. But for people in financial poverty, "time...

Tea Subscription

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