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Remodeling or Reconstruction
There is a house right on main street in a small town near my home that has been the subject of conversation all over town for many months. It was a fine home, owned by one of the most
Conduct Unbecoming an Officer and a Gentleman
“That doesn’t become you” is an English expression often used about our looks—that some color or style of dress doesn’t favor us, it doesn’t show us at our best: it doesn’t “become” us.
Can “virtual justice” be real justice?
Richard Susskind, Oxford law professor and legal futurist, has for years been advocating for transformation of the legal sector through technology and innovation. Presciently, he published his book
Surprisingly Refreshing
Early February is usually a particularly “dry” time. Winter has been in full force for two months now. By this time, cabin fever is running strong, and the prevailing feeling is to just “hunker down”
Registration Page – 2023 Northwest Regional Retreat
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Registration Page – 2023 Southwest Regional Retreat
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