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The Grosshans Group – Associate

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2024 Midwest Regional Retreat Registration

Mike SchuttDirector, CLS Law School FellowsAlanna WalkerGrants CoordinatorMichelle WilliamsLaw Student Ministries CoordinatorGET UPDATESAboutMission & VisionStatement of FaithAnnual ReportsHistoryGovernanceBoard of DirectorsFinancesPrivacy PolicyContact...

Home School Legal Defense Association – Associate Attorney

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 2023 Workshop Materials

 2023 Workshop Materials

2023 CLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS OCTOBER 5 – 8, 2023 .Blessed with Freedom, Called to Serve2023 CLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE WORKSHOP MATERIALS State-by-state CLE information is available here. Please email Laura with any questions.   THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5 ...

Mogren, Glessner & Ahrens, PS – Associate Attorney

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2023 CLS National Conference Homepage

2023 CLS National Conference Homepage

2023 CLS NATIONAL CONFERENCE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS OCTOBER 5 - 8, 2023 .Blessed with Freedom, Called to ServeThe Christian Legal Society community held an incredible and successful national conference in Boston in 2023. We had wonderful speakers, workshops, law...

Tea Subscription

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