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Think Deeper About Law, Religion, and Society

“The mind that is not baffled is not employed.”

-Wendell Berry


  • Harold Berman, Faith and Order: The Reconciliation of Law and Religion (1993)
  • Religious Liberty in Western Thought (Reynolds and Durham, Jr. eds, 1996)
  • Oliver O’Donovan, The Desire of Nations: Rediscovering the Roots of Political Theology (1999)
  • David McIlroy, A Biblical View of Law and Justice: A Christian Perspective on Law (2007)
  • James D. Hunter, To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World (2010)
  • Nicholas Wolterstorff, Justice: Rights and Wrongs (2010)
  • Larry Siedentop, Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism (2014)
  • Timothy P. Jackson, Political Agape: Christian Love and Liberal Democracy (2015)
  • Jonathan Leeman, Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of Christ’s Rule (2016)
  • James K.A. Smith, You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habits (2016)
  • John Witte, Jr., Religion and the American Constitutional Experiment (2016)
  • Steven D. Smith, Pagans and Christians in the City: Culture Wars from the Tiber to the Potomac (2018)
  • Charles Taylor, A Secular Age (2018, reprint) [for help on reading Taylor, see James K.A. Smith, How (Not) To Be Secular (2014)]
  • The Cambridge Companion to: Natural Law Jurisprudence (Duke and George eds, 2017)
  • Luke Bretherton, Christ and the Common Life: Political Theology and the Case for Democracy (2019)
  • Robert L. Wilken, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom (2019)
  • Carl Trueman, The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution (2020)
  • Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World (Kaemingk ed., 2021)



  • Roger Cramton, The Ordinary Religion of the Law School Classroom, J. of Legal Educ. (1977-78)
  • Jeffrey Tuomala, Christ’s Atonement as the Model for Civil Justice, Liberty U. L. Rev. (1993)
  • Craig A. Stern, Things Not Nice: An Essay on Civil Government, Regent U. L. Rev. (1997)
  • Harold J. Berman, Religion and Liberty Under Law at the Founding of America, Regent U. L. Rev. (2007-08)
  • John Witte, Jr. & Joel A. Nichols, “Come Now Let Us Reason Together”: Restoring Religious Freedom in America and Abroad, Notre Dame L. Rev. (2016).


For More

Michael P. Schutt, Law and the Biblical Tradition: Select Bibliography for Christian Law Students

Hilary R. Kastleman, Selected Bibliography: Religion and Lawyering 

Natural Law: A Select Bibliography

Legal History: A Select Bibliography

Resources from David McIlroy on Theology of Law

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