Community Life Statement

(as adopted at the CLS February 2011 Board Meeting)


Christian Legal Society (“CLS”) has adopted the attached Community Life Statement as a further articulation of the longstanding CLS message that certain values, attitudes, and behaviors are central to the life and walk of Christian lawyers and law students associated with CLS;

The Community Life Statement is intended to further inform all ministries of CLS by advancing CLS’s Purpose “to clarify and promote the concept of the Christian lawyer and to help Christian lawyers integrate their faith with their professional lives” as set forth in Article 1 of the CLS Bylaws;

All CLS officers, directors, and staff, as well as officers of the local chapters (Attorney Ministries and Student Ministries) are to subscribe to the CLS Statements of Faith and Community Life; and

Any CLS member may be suspended or expelled from membership, in accordance with the provisions and procedures of Article 4, Section 6 of the CLS Bylaws, for unrepentant conduct or active support of a position that undermines the CLS Statement of Faith or Community Life Statement:

Community Life Statement

  • We believe that the Bible, God’s written word, is the ultimate guide for our values, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • We seek spiritual maturity by maintaining a personal devotional life, participating in worship and prayer with others, and being involved in the life and ministry of a local church.
  • We seek to be involved in ministering to social and spiritual needs both within and beyond our communities.
  • We seek to respect the uniqueness of all people, including our differences in race, sex, ethnicity, and talents, for each bears God’s image.
  • We encourage cultivation of the attitudes and behaviors of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • We renounce unbiblical attitudes, including greed; jealousy; false pride; lust; covetousness; an unforgiving spirit; and unjust prejudice such as that based on race, sex, ethnicity, appearance, disability, or socio-economic status.
  • We renounce unbiblical behaviors, including deception, malicious speech, drunkenness, drug abuse, stealing, cheating, and other immoral conduct such as using pornography and engaging in sexual relations other than within a marriage between one man and one woman.
  • We acknowledge that every person has engaged in attitudes and behaviors that fall short of God’s standards, and we rejoice in God’s forgiveness to all repentant believers.
  • We acknowledge the Biblical mandate to treat all persons with love and respect, even if we disagree over these values, attitudes, and behaviors.
  • We intend to follow, when conflict arises or shortfalls in attitudes or behaviors occur, a biblical process for correction, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration.



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