Want to Serve?

Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute.
Speak out, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.  

– Proverbs 31:8-9

Welcome, we’ve been praying for you! We’re glad that you have an interest in following God’s command to serving those in need of legal assistance.

Ways to Serve with Christian Legal Aid

Serve in a local CLA clinic

If you are interested in serving in an existing Christian Legal Aid (CLA) program, search our Christian Legal Aid Clinic Directory to see if there is a program near you.  Don’t let your lack of experience in poverty law issues deter you from serving.  By virtue of having three years of law school training, you have a lot more legal knowledge and skills than the clients who need your help!  The majority of Christian Legal Aid volunteers start with no experience in the areas of law in which clients need help, but merely begin with an eagerness to learn. As a lawyer, you have a fundamental understanding of the law and the tools to find the right answers. Please contact a CLA clinic near you to learn how you can serve.

Start a new CLA clinic

If there is no existing CLA program in your community, consider starting one! Starting a clinic just requires a small group of committed attorneys (and other volunteers) who have a vision for serving the needy with their legal skills. We are here to support you through every step of the process. To start, please check out our Christian Legal Aid Clinic Start Up Manual for a general overview of the steps and logistics needed to open a clinic. Additionally, check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions about starting a new Christian Legal Aid clinic. If you are interested in starting a program, email us at CLA@clsnet.org with any questions and to let us know of your interest. We are excited to work with you!

Biblical Call to Justice for the Poor


Serve in a local CLA clinic

If you are interested in serving in an existing Christian Legal Aid (CLA) program, search our Christian Legal Aid Clinic Directory to see if there is a program near you.  Don’t let your lack of experience in poverty law issues deter you from serving.  By virtue of having three years of law school training, you have a lot more legal knowledge and skills than the clients who need your help!  The majority of Christian Legal Aid volunteers start with no experience in the areas of law in which clients need help, but merely begin with an eagerness to learn. As a lawyer, you have a fundamental understanding of the law and the tools to find the right answers. Please contact a CLA clinic near you to learn how you can serve.

Start a new CLA clinic

If there is no existing CLA program in your community, consider starting one!  Starting a clinic just requires a small group of committed attorneys (and other volunteers) who have a vision for serving the needy with their legal skills. Check out our list of Frequently Asked Questions about starting a new Christian Legal Aid clinic. If you are interested in starting a program, email us at CLA@clsnet.org with any questions and to let us know of your interest. We are here to help you!

Biblical Call to Justice for the Poor

Christian Legal Aid Newsletter

To keep abreast of Christian Legal Aid news, sign up for our monthly CLA e-newsletter by subscribing to “Legal Aid Updates” at:
Subscribe – Christian Legal Society.

If you are interested in joining other Christian attorneys who care about serving others through the love of Christ consider becoming a member of Christian Legal Society.

The Christian Lawyer Magazine

To learn more about the importance of Christian Legal Aid, we invite you to review the following two issues of our The Christian Lawyer magazine dedicated to the topic of service those in need:

Justice for All issue (Fall 2019)

Our Calling to Serve issue (Fall 2017)

Support Christian Legal Aid

Our Christian Legal Aid program depends on the support of generous donors.  Please consider a financial donation to help us help others in starting a growing CLA clinics around the country.

Mike Schutt

Director, CLS Law School Fellows

Alanna Walker

Grants Coordinator

Michelle Williams

Law Student Ministries Coordinator