Try It, You’ll Like It

Try It, You’ll Like It

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. (John 7:17)

Tugging at the Heart Strings of Legal Aid

Tugging at the Heart Strings of Legal Aid

One of the most unfortunate things I’ve seen in the Christian Legal Aid world is how challenging it is for CLA programs to raise support. Why is this? Although I don’t have hard data

Who’s Giving What to Whom?

Who’s Giving What to Whom?

To understand this passage of Scripture requires a bit of law-school-like legal analysis. And in fact, on casual reading most people miss it—and miss a powerful, almost shocking, truth

“Low bono” services and the income trap

“Low bono” services and the income trap

Maria is a single mother with two kids whose husband suddenly left her and fought for custody of the kids. He makes over $100,000 a year and could afford to hire an experienced family law attorney.