Speakers bureau

If you would like to have any of these speakers at your chapter or community event, please contact clshq@clsnet.org. All speakers are available via Zoom!

    David Nammo

    Executive Director and CEO, Christian Legal Society


    • Religious Freedom is Not Free
    • Lessons from Babylon
    • God’s Priorities for Christian Attorneys
    • CLS – Past, Present, Future
    • Lawyers and Discipleship
    • The Good Samaritan

    Lakuita Bittle

    Director, Attorney Ministries


    • Understanding God’s Purpose and Calling for Your Life as an Attorney
    • Navigating Life as a First-Generation Law Student or Attorney
    • When God Calls You to Something New in Your Career
    • How to be a Passionate Litigator with Integrity in the Courtroom
    • Managing Work Life Balance as a Litigator
    • Using your Faith to Manage Stress
    • Life as a Black Prosecutor
    • Being a Servant Leader in the Workplace
    • Working in Government or Public Service as a Christian Attorney
    • Using your Tests to Develop Your Testimony
    • Overcoming Obstacles as a Law Student and Attorney
    • Engaging Attorneys in your Local Chapter
    • How to Be an Effective Advocate as a Christian in Law School
    • Light in the Midst of Darkness

    Anton Sorkin

    Director, Law Student Ministries


    • Building Community in the University Setting
    • Public Engagement and Christian Witness
    • History of the Church in America
    • New Testament Theology
    • Religious Accommodation under Title VII

    Brent Amato

    Chicago Attorney and Law Student Field Staff, former President of the Board, Christian Legal Society

    Topics for Students:

    • “How to pass a Final Exam and grow closer to God” – A strategy to deal with a student’s fears during exams and actually receive a spiritual blessing
    • “So You’re a Christian Who Happens to be a Law Student” – A look at calling and law school for the Christian
    • “Peacemaking 101” – An introduction to Christian Conciliation
    • “‘Follow Me’” – Jesus’ call to the law student

    Topics for Attorneys:

    • “Vocational Victory” (Excerpts) – Principles and personal testimony on the integration of faith and practice
    • “The Confessions of a Pharisee” – How legal training and practice can be toxic to your spirituality
    • “Are you a Healthy Lawyer?” – A diagnostic inventory of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health
    • “Serpents, Doves and Lawyers” – What to do with Matthew 10:16?
    • “Can I introduce you to Zenas?” Titus 3:13-14

    Ken Sande

    Founder of Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360


    • Emotional intelligence for Attorneys (Relational skills that can improve your practice, marriage and parenting; 28 page handout)
    • Leading Christians Through Conflict (Introduction to personal peacemaking, conflict coaching, mediation and arbitration; 70 page handout)
    • The Remarkable Relational Skills of Lincoln and Reagan (Inspiring examples of relational skills that preserved our country and ended the cold war)
    • The Best Negotiators in the Bible (What attorneys can learn from a woman who out-negotiated 400 armed me, a slave who altered deadly policies in the most oppressive kingdom of his day, and the Son who saved the world)
    • The Three P’s of Satisfaction (Three keys to effective mediation, whether in a lawsuit, with a church committee or a teenager who is pushing the limits)
    • A Lost Baby, $200M Lawsuit and an Astonishing Reconciliation (How biblical peacemaking settled the largest lawsuit ever submitted to Peacemaker Ministries)
    • Reconciled by a Baby Moose (How God used a Christian conciliator, a passage in the bible and a baby moose to settle a lawsuit and reconcile two embittered friends)
    • Asking Parents to Give Up Their Keys (If you can persuade an elderly parent to willingly give up driving, you can negotiate anything!)
    • A Better Way to Handle Abuse (Child sexual abuse in a church is the “nightmare case” of every Christian conciliator, but handled correctly, these situations can end in peace, healing and praise to God)
    • If Your Enemy Needs Electricity (How God brought an attorney to the end of his wits and then used an electrical blackout and an aquarium to settle a property dispute)

    When physical meetings are allowed again, some of these topics can be combined into a 3 hour CLE presentation.

    If you would like to have any of these speakers at your chapter or community event, please contact clshq@clsnet.org. All speakers are available via Zoom!

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