Service Ideas For Your Fellowship

The purpose of legal services programs is the delivery of high-quality legal services to the public. Christian Legal Society’s attorney members choose to work with programs that make it possible for them to provide expert, free or low cost legal services to those in need. When attorneys feel that they are making a difference in their work and recognize its value to the clients they serve, they are living out God’s commandment to,

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17(NIV)

That is why CLS Attorney Ministries works so hard to bring in private Christian attorneys. While each attorney needs to answer the question of what the Lord requires of them, most recognize and want to address the inequality of access to justice. CLS member attorneys in their service become a part of the solution. Christian Legal Society welcomes volunteer service and financial contributions to support the CLS Legal Aid Ministry, Attorney Ministries, Law Student Ministries, and the Center for Law and Religious Freedom.

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