Member Benefits

Ready to become a member of our Christian Legal community?

As legal professionals, we are called to be officers of the court and advocates for our clients. As Christians, we are called to serve God in all we think, say, and do. Remaining faithful to both callings can be challenging. To encourage and support each journey, CLS offers a wide range of member benefits:

Local Chapters of Legal Professionals

Each local chapter provides a community for serving the profession and the public in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Law Student Fellowships

Law student members have access to Christian student fellowships on law school campuses for personal support, networking opportunities, Bible study discussions, and help with First Amendment issues.

Legal Advocacy

Our Center for Law and Religious Freedom provides ongoing opportunities to contribute to First Amendment advocacy efforts in state and federal courts, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress.

Christian Legal Aid

CLS members can choose to volunteer their time at one of many locally run Christian Legal Aid clinics around the country. Volunteers receive free training in helping disadvantaged citizens overcome personal and legal obstacles.

Job, Networking, Educational, and Spiritual Resources



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