
“Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Let us not give up meeting together . . . but let us encourage one another.”
Hebrew 10:24-25

CLS attorneys and CLS chapters should see mentoring as a natural extension of their calling as a Christian in the law. Everyone should have a Paul in their life and everyone should have a Timothy in their life.

Young lawyers and law students are the future of the legal profession. As experienced attorneys, CLS members have the opportunity to mentor law students to strengthen their commitment to Christ, help them resolve professional and personal issues, and guide them in their questions of faith.

Mentoring is an opportunity for you to have a lasting impact on a law student or young attorney and to share your faith in Jesus Christ by living out your Christian commitment in the legal profession.

The goals of the mentoring are to: 

  • provide a vehicle for local law students and young attorneys to become involved with the Christian legal community in the Insert Chapter area;
  • give law students and young attorneys a personal mentor to contact outside of their school or work environment;
  • offer law students and young attorneys spiritual guidance, prayer, and encouragement;
  • give local attorneys an opportunity to be involved in the CLS student chapters at Insert Chapter area law schools; and
  • increase the visibility of, as well as law student and attorney participation in, CLS as an active part of their professional, educational, and spiritual experiences.

Mentorship Materials

Here are the forms for a CLS Attorney Chapter to hold a mentoring event with young lawyers and law students

    CLS Mentor Form

      CLS Mentee Form

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