Protecting Indigent Tenants in a Time of COVID webinar
The Poor One Cries Out: Protecting Indigent Tenants in a Time of COVID webinar
As many people struggle to pay rent after losing their jobs due to COVID-19, how can legal aid attorneys help protect tenants from eviction? Do the current protections and financial assistance go far enough, and if not, what can we as Christian lawyers do to help? This webinar covers an overview of eviction issues with a focus on the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) September 4, 2020 national moratorium on evictions for qualified tenants.
Additional Resources
“The Poor One Cries Out” Webinar Presentation Slides
Rental Assistance Guidebook
– State-by-state guide on rental assistance programs compiled by Nicole Steward at Open Hands Legal Services.
CDC Eviction Moratorium Order
– CDC agency order with details on moratorium.
CDC Eviction Declaration
– Declaration for qualified tenants to sign entitling them to a stay on eviction until December 31, 2020.
Immigrant Eligibility for Public Assistance During COVID-19
– Summary of public assistance programs implication on “public charge” immigration rules (from Protecting Immigrant Families)
Disclaimer: The webinar and other information here has been provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Legal advice is dependent upon the specific circumstances of each situation. Also, the law may vary from state to state, so that some information on this web site may not be correct for your jurisdiction. Finally, the information contained here is not guaranteed to be up to date. Therefore, the information contained in this web site cannot replace the advice of competent legal counsel licensed in your state.
Nicole Steward, Legal Director, Open Hands Legal Services
Nicole has been a public interest housing lawyer in New York City since 2008. She began her housing career as a staff attorney at EIS Housing Resource Center, then spent the next 6 years at the The Legal Aid Society, Bronx Neighborhood Office. There she was a staff attorney and then supervising attorney of the Housing Help Program, one of the first Right to Counsel models in the city. She also oversaw the Assigned Counsel Project for older adults. She then served as Managing Attorney at Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation and most recently was a Senior Housing Attorney at Catholic Migration Services in Queens. Her passion for justice is deep and founded upon the principles of Christ. Nicole graduated from Indiana University Robert McKinney School of Law in 2006.