Merry Christmas from Christian Legal Aid

Ken Liu

Joshua was a child born out of wedlock to a teenage mom in a middle eastern country. Under persecution from an autocratic government, his family fled as refugees to a neighboring country. Despite this inauspicious start to his life, he grew up in a good home with a solid religious upbringing. But as an adult, he espoused some radical ideas that challenged the religious authorities. As a result, he was arrested under false charges of treason and advocating tax evasion, convicted after an unfair trial, and ultimately sentenced to the death penalty.

But thankfully for us, all of this came about just as the scriptures foretold. The injustice suffered by Joshua, or Yeshua, was for our benefit, enabling us to be set free from our bondage to sin.

Those of us who know the joy of His salvation have an obligation to fight against the injustices suffered by those around us. God commands His people to: “Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17).

Christian Legal Aid is a powerful ministry because of its dual mission of addressing legal injustices while demonstrating and proclaiming the love of Christ. Just as the Son of God entered into our messy world to set us free, we Christian attorneys can enter into the messy lives of our clients to help set them free, from both legal and spiritual bondage.

May you be blessed as we celebrate the gift of God’s Incarnation into our messy world this Christmas!

Mike Schutt

Director, CLS Law School Fellows

Alanna Walker

Grants Coordinator

Michelle Williams

Law Student Ministries Coordinator


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