79. Kim Colby on the Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

This week, the Supreme Court of the United States decided Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, holding that the Commission’s “clear and impermissible hostility toward” religious beliefs violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Already, commentators dispute the breadth and lasting import of the Court’s 7-2 holding on narrow legal grounds. 

In this episode, Mike Schutt talks with Kim Colby about these questions. Kim is Director of Christian Legal Society’s Center for Law & Religious Freedom, an expert in First Amendment law and a long-time friend of religious freedom. 

Listen in as the discuss what the case held, why, and what the holding may mean for future cases. Also learn what Constitutional lawyers mean by GVR

Kim Colby is the director of Christian Legal Society’s Center for Law and Religious Freedom , where she has worked since graduating from Harvard Law School in 1981. She has represented religious groups in several appellate cases, including two cases heard by the United States Supreme Court. She has filed numerous amicus briefs in federal and state courts. Ms. Colby has prepared several CLS publications addressing issues about religious expression in public schools, including released time programs, implementation of the Equal Access 


Act, and teachers’ religious expression.

Visit the Center’s website for resources on its first amendment work. 

Cross & Gavel is a production of Regent University School of Law and Christian Legal Society.