2019 National Conference Workshops

Need Help? About Resources Get Updates Donate Search 2019 National Conference Workshops Please Note: Workshops are subject to change. CLE credits will be provided for workshops that qualify, which is dependent on the rules of each accrediting state. At this time, CLS...

2019 National Conference Sponsors

Need Help? About Resources Get Updates Donate Search 2019 National Conference Sponsors Want to help others? Consider sponsoring a law student or Christian Legal Aid Summit attendee at the 2019 CLS National Conference! Your sponsorship will enable people to attend who...

2019 National Conference Schedule

Need Help? About Resources Get Updates Donate Search 2019 National Conference Schedule Schedule (subject to change) Thursday, October 31, 2019  8:00 am-5:30 pm     Christian Legal Aid Summit*10:00 am-4:00 pm   Church and Ministry General Counsel Forum*12:00-5:30 pm   ...

2019 National Conference Featured Speakers

Need Help? About Resources Get Updates Donate Search 2019 National Conference Featured Speakers Rebecca Kiessling – Thursday Evening Rebecca Kiessling is an attorney and an international pro-life speaker, sharing her story of having been adopted, raised Jewish,...