The Difficult Road Ahead

The Difficult Road Ahead

Get Updates CLS Home The Difficult Road Ahead Lakuita Bittle “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is...
The Namárië Forum: An Introduction

The Namárië Forum: An Introduction

Get Updates CLS Home The Namárië Forum: An Introduction Anton Sorkin Every school year, students will gather on their respective college campuses and be inundated by the practical applications of a life east of Eden. A life with the perpetual toil of urban living and...
They Just Don’t Get It

They Just Don’t Get It

Get Updates CLS Home They Just Don’t Get It Guest Author – Lynn Buzzard “Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house.”...