144. Christianity & Constitutionalism: Modernity — Joan Lockwood O’Donovan (Summer Series)

Today, we continue our summer series looking into the essays in a brand new volume entiteld Christianity and Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press 2023) (PURCHASE HERE). In this episode, we discuss the essay from Dr. Joan Lockwood O’Donovan on the English Reformation, modernity, and public theology. Joan is an Honorary Reader at the University of St. Andrews School of Divinity and author of Theology of Law and Authority in the English Reformation and English Public Theology: A Reformation Response to the Crisis of Natural Rights (forthcoming). She also co-authored a seminal work of political theology with Oliver O’Donovan entitled From Irenaeus to Grotius: A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought.

The episode was produced by Josh Deng, with music from Vexento. A special thanks to Nick and Ashley Barnett for their contribution in making this podcast possible.

Cross & Gavel is a production of CHRISTIAN LEGAL SOCIETY.